"race, ethnicity & class on shelter island, 1652-2013" by nancy jaicks, ph.d
"After chairing the research for the Race & Ethnicity Exhibit and book for the Shelter Island Historical Society in February 2014, I decided to do further research for a paper that was ultimately published in the Long Island History Journal. Some of my sources were interviews with Louise Tuthill Green, Linda Holmes, Karen Morgan, Ken Morgan, Vincent King, Linda King, Georgette Keyes-Grier and Rhonda Mitchell. My primary sources included: Baptism ledger and cemetery at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Toots Clark's memories, various newspapers, U.S. census 1900-1940, the Nicolls Cemetery at Mashomack Preserve, Shelter Island Historical Society, Suffolk County Historical Society, Eastville Historical Society, East Hampton Historical Society." ~Nancy Jaicks
Nancy Jaicks is an independent researcher and writer who attended Radcliffe College and Columbia School of General Studies. Jaicks held a joint position as visiting professor at NYU's History Department and the NYU Institute of French Studies. In 1993 Columbia University GSAS awarded Jaicks a Ph.D. with distinction for her work on midwifery and reproduction in Nineteenth-Century France. Prior to that Jaicks was an instructor at Columbia. She served as chair of the History Department at the Dwight-Englewood School, in Englewood, NJ, where she taught U.S. History, Constitutional Law and European History. Jaicks has received the following awards throughout her career: National Science Foundation, Woodrow Wilson Charlotte Newcombe Award, Franco-American Foundation Tocqueville Award, and the Social Science Research Award.