9. DIMONscape
The Havens DIMONscape is a permanent exhibit at the Shelter Island History Center. It is a multilayered digital piece of artwork created by Shelter Island artist, Roz Dimon, that depicts the history of the Havens House and family. By following this link to the DIMONscape, you can access audio and over one thousand layers of historic images that represent 300 years' worth of Havens' history.
(Proceed upstairs and enter the first room on your right.)
The Havens DIMONscape is a permanent exhibit at the Shelter Island History Center. It is a multilayered digital piece of artwork created by Shelter Island artist, Roz Dimon, that depicts the history of the Havens House and family. By following this link to the DIMONscape, you can access audio and over one thousand layers of historic images that represent 300 years' worth of Havens' history.
(Proceed upstairs and enter the first room on your right.)